The Unconstitutional Evil Which Is the Filibuster

The Unconstitutional Evil Which Is the Filibuster

It is impossible to overstate how corrupt, corrupting, evil and unconstitutional the Senate’s Filibuster is. I have previously written about it and have not changed my views. I did not change those views during the Biden administration, but was silent about it because...
Whither SBF, The Democrat Party Demigod and Savior?

Whither SBF, The Democrat Party Demigod and Savior?

“He’s a vegan and he is depressed.” That’s SBF’s argument for release from custody. “The dog ate my homework” is a better argument.  On the other hand, since he was SERIOUSLY self-medicating, his argument is probably technically...
The Democrats‘ Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost On November 8

The Democrats‘ Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost On November 8

This is the reason why, even with all the election manipulation, shenanigans and outright fraud they are guaranteed to commit, the Democrats are going to be blown away on November 8. The only question is: what’s wrong with the other 30% of parents? Are they...
Common Sense for Today (H/T: Thomas Paine)

Common Sense for Today (H/T: Thomas Paine)

America Has Been Suicidally Self-Destructing Under Politicians’ Stupidity Since The Turn Of The 20th Century, And It Is Time For All Of That Insanity To End It is true now, as it was when Thomas Paine wrote it then: “These are the times that try men’s souls.”...