Since Mao died, Deng and the Communist Party in China permitted their real economy to grow when they permitted the illusion (ALWAYS subject to being yanked away at the whim of whichever Marxist dictator was in charge at the moment) of free markets between buyers and...
Everything that the Israelis have discovered, and now (unlike the American “public health” bureaucrat frauds), as shown in the article below, are telling the world about Covid, was obvious from the very beginning. Yes, obvious to any sentient observer of...
Every day, every time any of these bureaucracies are exposed for what they really are, they prove exactly what I say about them in my book, “Freedom’s Last Stand” – and the very reason why the brilliant Founders wrote the Constitution the way they did – to make all...
Our Monstrous State Department Is Violating Our Laws and Treating Israel Like An Enemy Whose Domestic Policies And Politics It Can Interfere In Without Congressional Authorization Nothing in the Constitution permits this kind of payment by the utterly-despicable,...
That Fauci literally manufactured the “expert evidence” supporting a (fraudulent, like all “narratives”) “Narrative” which would supposedly exonerate him from his complicity in the creation of Covid (a virus which, as has been obvious...