Whenever the government does anything unconstitutional, terrible violence to the citizens results. This abomination, this forcing of professionals to violate their Hippocratic oath and spout lies on behalf of the state, is exactly the sort of thing that happens. The...
The experience of this learned scholar, the deliberate, institutional, censorship of everything true he said, the lies of claiming his truth was lies, shows the poison that permeates all of our major universities. And even the minor ones. This is what happens when...
Lee Smith is a real journalist. You won’t see anything like this in the pure propaganda garbage, everything you hear from our formerly-great universities and schools at all levels, Hollywood, everything you see on corporate Network TV, the New York Times, the...
Once again, the brilliant Jeffrey Tucker lays it all out beautifully. And of course, all of this is only the very beginning of the beginning of the revelations – and their import. The unconstitutional (they are, among other hideous defects, a fourth branch of the...
The article below is a brilliant and insightful analysis. The only thing more-corrupt and rotten than the present-day Marxism-infused, bureaucratic American military is the even more-Marxist (and therefore corrupt and bureaucratic) Chinese Communist military, all of...