Whither SBF, The Democrat Party Demigod and Savior?

Whither SBF, The Democrat Party Demigod and Savior?

“He’s a vegan and he is depressed.” That’s SBF’s argument for release from custody. “The dog ate my homework” is a better argument.  On the other hand, since he was SERIOUSLY self-medicating, his argument is probably technically...
Kirsten Sinema Plays the Old, Arizona False-Flag Switcheroo

Kirsten Sinema Plays the Old, Arizona False-Flag Switcheroo

This is a scam Democrats do in purple states, states where registered and committed Republicans are outnumbered by Democrats and “independents” combined, the scam they run to get elected, pretending not to be Democrats but doing everything that Democrats...
Are The Chinese People Awakening? Will We?

Are The Chinese People Awakening? Will We?

Could the Chinese people be waking up from the nightmare that has been imposed on them by the Chinese communist’s military dictatorship all these decades? Always a fool’s errand, the promise by communists that they will deliver utopia if only each...