Biden supposedly won Virginia by 10 points. Right. And he went to campaign for McAuliffe the other day, and the latest Fox poll (Fox polls always, contrary to what Marxists have to say about the network, lean heavily left) AFTER that great performance by Biden, shows...
This fact is the proof that all of the “mitigation” measures and the mandates demanded by Biden and Fauci and all of their brain-dead supporters are utterly worthless, besides being massive intrusions on peoples’ lives and liberty, all for no medical or...
Americans aren’t stupid. Anyone with a brain knows that the climate has been changing since the planet was formed. It doesn’t matter who or what is causing it. We don’t have some collective guilt that has to be worked off by destroying our lives and...
Gordon (my old friend who I have not spoken to since we were classmates in college) gets it right. He’s listening to the right people about this. But there is much more, all pointing in the same direction. The ISI always viewed the Taliban as a proxy insurgency...