This is a superb article. It says exactly what I say in far greater detail in my book and what I have said in everything I write – that the poison among us, the thing that is making us into an American version of the Soviet Union is the administrative state. It is...
Americans Hate Paying More for Fuel Then They Were Paying In 2019 If people are having trouble with gas prices now, wait till they continue to go up between now and November. They could be $11 a gallon by then – or even more. There’s nothing (other than the...
The thing about bubbles, is you just don’t know when they’re going to pop. The biggest mistake you can make with them is imagining that you’re not in one. You can make a fortune on the way up, but you never can tell when the music’s gonna stop...
The always-violent Marxist Left now constitutes the people we have in the government itself, Joe Biden, the massively-corrupt idiot, unable himself to speak coherently, using his pathetic mouthpiece to cheer on useful idiot activists to “protest” in front...
Read the article below and weep. This is who these mentally-deranged Marxists are. Yes, they are all Marxists, under whatever name (liberal, Progressive, Democrat, whatever) or mask they may adopt as a pretense at any time — or even, as is almost always true,...