The description in the article below of what is going on in Communist China, its insane levels of debt and impending bankruptcy (the communists running China, forcing all its people into servitude to them, may first go to war to distract people from the corrupt...
Some good news! And boy do we need it. First of all, our military has a single job — the duty of single-mindedly defeating our enemies, crushing their will to survive so that they surrender and never bother us again — or terrifying them from attacking us or our...
The New York Times leads an entire, self-congratulatory blob of “media” (virtually all the newspapers in the United States, and the network “news” organizations, plus cable “news,” other than supposedly-“fringe” channels like...
I’m going to tell you all of the basic information that you need to decide if socialism is what you want. For the first time in American history, and a very long time, there’s actually a candidate running for President who’s a self-proclaimed...
September 1, 2016 Are you confused, angered, shocked, cowed, guilt-infused, outraged, insulted, terrified and /or terrorized (and/or some or all of the above) by the multiple, massively-intrusive, undeniably-revolutionary, literally-insane (see below),...