This is a superb article. It says exactly what I say in far greater detail in my book and what I have said in everything I write – that the poison among us, the thing that is making us into an American version of the Soviet Union is the administrative state. It is...
American Law schools promote discrimination – against all non-Marxists The article below demonstrates the blatant, REALLY NASTY, execution-like discrimination AGAINST ANYTHING OTHER THAN MARXIST points of view (and yes, that’s what all these assaults on the...
This guy, RFK Jr., this Kennedy family member, is absolutely right about all of this. He’s making a real contribution, the most significant contribution any member of his family has ever made, in my opinion (his uncle JFK was a disaster as a president,...
This professor gets it exactly right. No doubt the mob will come after him for speaking the truth. They will demand he lose his tenure, that he be prevented from speaking out loud to anyone, that he be prevented from earning a living and be turned into a beggar, that...