The article below about this new book by the despicable fraud Birx tells it all. This is what these unelected bureaucrats do, all of them, every single one of them, all of them throughout all the horrible federal bureaucracies, none of which have any valid reason for...
This is the poison they are now mandating at American universities just to graduate. And the “system” requires people to have their certifications from the universities to get jobs later in life. That’s what the universities have become, filtering...
It is now beyond any question, the data has been in since July, 2021 (and even before): there has never been any medical basis whatsoever for anyone getting these experimental chemicals they are lying and calling “vaccines,” no purpose whatsoever for...
Americans Hate Paying More for Fuel Then They Were Paying In 2019 If people are having trouble with gas prices now, wait till they continue to go up between now and November. They could be $11 a gallon by then – or even more. There’s nothing (other than the...
I’m still waiting for everyone who is horrified by the overruling of Roe v. Wade, people who think it’s a great idea to vandalize churches and centers where pregnant women are advised of their options other than abortion if they don’t want the baby,...