Imagine how low his polls would be if he didn’t have all of the social media platforms, all of the networks, all of the major “Newspapers” like the New York Times, The Washington post, the LA Times, Associated Press, etc., and all cable...
These “vaccine” mandates for an experimental chemical compound that is not even a vaccine are the most blatant example of the tyrannical left revealing its true nature the public has ever seen in America. There is no medical basis for this mandate...
Everything about the INSURRECTION! and the completely bogus “Investigations” into it by the”Justice” Department, its hacks in the FBI, and the Democrats in Congress stinks. it’s obvious the whole thing was nothing but a set up, a false...
It’s obvious that he has the opposite of the Midas touch: everything he touches turns to shit. He must’ve touched his pants before he met the Pope. As it is, he has much more hateful things to say about everyone in America who voted for President Trump,...
Some very good news. Joe Biden supposedly won the state by 10 points and McAuliffe is now behind by at least eight points in the most recent fox poll, at least the last when I heard,, and fox polls lean left believe it or not. This is going to be a blowout and...