This is a superb article. It says exactly what I say in far greater detail in my book and what I have said in everything I write – that the poison among us, the thing that is making us into an American version of the Soviet Union is the administrative state. It is...
This is a superb article. It says exactly what I say in far greater detail in my book and what I have said in everything I write – that the poison among us, the thing that is making us into an American version of the Soviet Union is the administrative state. It is...
I was there in 1968 – 1969, in high school and then going to college. I remember hearing about the Hong Kong flu. “Yeah, so?” That was the reaction by me and everyone I knew. There was none of the complete insanity that was, and continues to be (!), generated about...
The article below about this new book by the despicable fraud Birx tells it all. This is what these unelected bureaucrats do, all of them, every single one of them, all of them throughout all the horrible federal bureaucracies, none of which have any valid reason for...
This is the poison they are now mandating at American universities just to graduate. And the “system” requires people to have their certifications from the universities to get jobs later in life. That’s what the universities have become, filtering...