This is a superb article. It says exactly what I say in far greater detail in my book and what I have said in everything I write – that the poison among us, the thing that is making us into an American version of the Soviet Union is the administrative state. It is...
This is a superb article. It says exactly what I say in far greater detail in my book and what I have said in everything I write – that the poison among us, the thing that is making us into an American version of the Soviet Union is the administrative state. It is...
The article below about this new book by the despicable fraud Birx tells it all. This is what these unelected bureaucrats do, all of them, every single one of them, all of them throughout all the horrible federal bureaucracies, none of which have any valid reason for...
The always-violent Marxist Left now constitutes the people we have in the government itself, Joe Biden, the massively-corrupt idiot, unable himself to speak coherently, using his pathetic mouthpiece to cheer on useful idiot activists to “protest” in front...
The article below lays out the entire story of COVID and the weaponization of it by the bureaucrats who created it, or participated in its creation, along with the communist Chinese military bioweapons lab in Wuhan, with the American bureaucrats leading the way among...