As shown in the article from The New York Post below, the Left continues to demand people bend the knee to this pro-Gender Dysphoria/”Transgenderism” absurdity. They are celebrating this extremely tragic mental illness as something to be desired, promoting...
The article below tells you all you need to know about the fake “fact checkers.” They are all frauds, nothing but liberal hacks who lie just like the “News” sources like the New York Times and the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, and all the...
As the article below shows, using the brute force of violence by the government (destroying peoples’ lives and livelihoods if they failed to obey, failed/refused to comply with the jackboot demands which had no basis in medicine or science whatsoever) to make...
As Lee Smith describes in his excellent article below, the Biden regime is all-in for selling America down the river because it detests everything America is all about. And Democrats and their supporters are so stupid they believe all their own lies of Trump-Russia...
Look at this article below: in spite of the pathetic incompetence of Joe Biden and the Europeans — their ongoing, deliberate destruction (in the insane name of “saving the planet!”) of the oil and gas business in America and Europe, creating dependency on...