This doctor, the doctor in the video below, is obviously right. He’s the same doctor who successfully treated multiple people, literally thousands, with early use of hydroxychloroquine (and a few other things), as I recall. And he publicized that fact — as did...
Read the article attached below in amazement. How else can one read it? Thank God. thank God that John Kerry, this walking abomination, never became president. As lousy a president as George W. Bush was, at least he spared us from this guy. Braindead is too kind a...
As the article below from The Daily Mail (you notice no American “newspapers” are printing this, one of the most extraordinary “scoops” in history!) makes clear: it is now statistically a virtual certainty: the same people providing the...
As the article and the video below shows, the insanity and stupidity, the genuine mental illness which is far worse than Covid itself, the complete derangement (there’s no other word for it) of the Democrats about Covid and their stupid mandates and what they...
Of course the Biden regime is selling out our allies Israel and the Saudis — and doing everything it can to empower the Iranians. The only consistent strategy in the Biden regime is to do everything it can, legally or not, to harm America and its interests in every...