Clifford Ribner provides candid commentary about current events, putting them in their context vis-à-vis history and the US Constitution.

The curated articles that inspire the commentary are provided at the bottom of each post.

Good Old Joe

Good Old Joe

"Good Old Joe" is, as he has always been, a nasty, pathological liar, and his corruption is almost beyond comprehension, as fully-exposed in Miranda...

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Immigration and its Discontents

Immigration and its Discontents

A typical dictionary definition of “nation” is: “a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory…” In other, more precise words, a nation’s most basic, commonly-recognized requirements are a combination of each and all of the following:

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There Are No Experts

There Are No Experts

Everywhere you look – and even where you don’t – self-proclaimed “Experts” can’t wait to impose their opinions on you, claiming that they and their ubiquitous “studies” have authoritatively determined every detail of how you should live your life, and for you to simply shut up if you disagree with them about anything.

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The Two Types of Countries

The Two Types of Countries

Happy countries are all alike. Unhappy countries are each miserable in their own way.

In the millennia since God banished man from the Garden of Eden (definitively ending the possibility of utopia for all time) the times when there has been even a single happy country anywhere on this beloved planet have been so rare as to barely merit an asterisk when considered as a percentage of the human race’s entire history.

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The Two Types of Politicians

The Two Types of Politicians

People who actively seek public office in a republic or democracy – otherwise known as politicians – have one of the following two motives for doing so: (1) they either genuinely feel some calling to what they consider to be public service, and have personal integrity/morality ranging from high to barely passable, or

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The Two Types of Law

The Two Types of Law

The American Counterrevolution has truly been multi-faceted, manifesting itself not only in federal law, but also throughout our society – throughout the spheres of entertainment, education, the so-called learned professions, journalism, America’s churches, and any other sphere of influence or activity you can think of in the nation.

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